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UCH Manchester Office


** UCH Manchester Office **

Good day all,
UCH Logistics would like to announce that we have signed a 5 year lease on buildings 311 and 303 at the World Freight Terminal Manchester. This is a prime site immediately opposite the airline sheds at Manchester Airport, this opportunity will double the current capacity at our Manchester office to a revised total of 38,000 sq ft.

UCH Logistics will have office space available on a flexible licence agreement which will offer a premium office location to customers within the facility. Should this be of interest there will be an open day for anyone wishing to visit once the rework of the facility and communications are completed.

Please contact Dave Richards / for full details.

Currently we are looking at a date of week commencing 9th September 2019 from which we expect to be fully operational.
Thanking you all in advance for your continued support.